"Isn't there anything we can do about her?"
"No, Dr. Arti. I'm sorry to say, there's nothing we can do about her."
This was the conversation that took place between my mother and her fellow gynaecologist the day I was born. The day I was born, I was christened "Not Normal". The day after I was born, was I christened "Apoorvi".
And that's how it's always been. People always label me as "Not Normal" before they even get to know me.
I don't get why I'm blamed for something that's my inherent nature. Some things make me different, yaa, but "not normal" is far-fetched.
I don't walk. I dance. My friends have to hold me down to behave properly. My feet never fall flat on the floor. That's because I like being happy all the time. I like loving the day and making life worth living. Not Normal?
I don't eat. I simply refuse to touch most things edible. Except chocolate and non-veg. So? I'm a bit choosy. Not Normal?
I eat cornflakes at 2am in the dark of the night. And I eat KFC Hot Wings at 8am in the morning. So maybe I eat according to my mood. Not Normal?
I cry at every little thing. Believe me, EVERY LITTLE THING. I laugh at stuff I am not supposed to, and the jokes which people consider funny, I totally abhor. I think too much, and I am so pre-occupied that I keep slamming into things, walking into people and tripping down the last stair. Sometimes when I am deep in thought, no amount of calling, beckoning and yelling can bring me back to earth. I just keep shaking my head and staring at nothing. So I have my own little world inside. Not Normal?
I am simply different I guess. There's this guy, a realllyyyy reallyyyy interesting guy, and he thinks he's lonely because he is different. I think, what makes him different is that he is lonely.
There's nothing wrong with being "different". Earnest request: "PLEASE do not label us as *Not Normal*"