Friday, 29 July 2016

Inebriated Blank Verses

All the times you dropped down drunk
Because you've had a great time, it's been a great night
When the autowala refused to let you in
Because he thought you'd throw up
But he didn't know
You've had harder nights and harder drinks
He doesn't know your capacity, the one you built up with so much care
He doesn't know of the friends who took you home
Held your hair back while you threw up
Made drunk videos, listened to your bullshit as you laid your heart bare
Who hid your phone each time, until you were strong enough not to make drunk calls
Who saved you from the warden and her ugly, judgmental glares
Who signed for you when your sight went all double
When you couldn't walk a straight inch to save your life
Who stood by you, and kept you outta further trouble.
So it's okay, each time, every time
You love the music, you love the lights
You love the sound of the rocks falling in the glass
You know the taste, you know the burn, you've been here before
Your very own safe place
So don't count the glasses, just bottoms up
It's nothing special, your old friend
That Old little Monk
Every glass is YOUR choice
Every sip your happy hour
Your very own blank verse
So get into the auto, you know you're not out yet
Grab a bestie's hand, you know you're not alone
You've had a great night, your snapchat's bursting
So please don't throw up yet, it's time to go home.

Friday, 5 February 2016

The Perfect Place

Where deserving dreams have the power to materialise
Where struggling labour bears the fruit of time
Where the darkest secrets are revealed
Where the truth of life lies unconcealed
Where serendipity brings the lovers to meet
And adulation knows more than sinning heat.
Where hopes belie the stormy math,
Of the dreary past that humans have.
Where chances we get to amends make
Where we can relate the real and fake
Where the price of smiles is not too high
Where wings we get for higher flight
Beyond the covetous, beyond the hate
Where lives aren't in the hands of Fate
Where reason resides in every mind
Where we can hold the sands of time
Where we can love and be loved true
Where I can lay my trust in you
Where we know our inner selves
Where we can match our steps to pace
Beyond our dreams, beyond bookshelves,
We all search for that perfect place.
