I know it's kind of a bad time to be breaking up with you. I really need you right now. What with all the stress in my life, all the troubles I'm facing. But I've decided it's time to let you go. There's a time for everything. Yours with me is over. We had a great run together, you and me. Beginning the day with you every morning. Afternoons and evenings. All the late nights we shared. Your Kisses are addictive. The way you love me, no one else can. Everytime I needed support, you've been there. Anytime, anywhere. And even if you weren't, I never felt alone, knowing you'll always love me.
It's not you sweetheart, it's me. This relationship just isn't working out. You give, I take. There's just no more balance. I hope someone loves you the way I did. You deserve it. You really do, baby! I am sorry. I won't wish you back. You can go now. Don't come back into my life. I won't be able to resist.
Good bye!
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you write a goodbye letter when you decide to give up chocolate.