Monday, 30 September 2013

An Epistle To My Love..

Hey, love of my life.. 
I know it's kind of a bad time to be breaking up with you. I really need you right now. What with all the stress in my life, all the troubles I'm facing. But I've decided it's time to let you go. There's a time for everything. Yours with me is over. We had a great run together, you and me. Beginning the day with you every morning. Afternoons and evenings. All the late nights we shared. Your Kisses are addictive. The way you love me, no one else can. Everytime I needed support, you've been there. Anytime, anywhere. And even if you weren't, I never felt alone, knowing you'll always love me.
It's not you sweetheart, it's me. This relationship just isn't working out. You give, I take. There's just no more balance. I hope someone loves you the way I did. You deserve it. You really do, baby! I am sorry. I won't wish you back. You can go now. Don't come back into my life. I won't be able to resist.
Good bye!

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you write a goodbye letter when you decide to give up chocolate.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Act 1 Scene 1

The scene takes place inside the surprisingly tranquil classroom of Aakash Coaching Institute.. And not tranquil because it's quiet.. Tranquil becaue the students are totally blank.. Like 'What-the-fuck-is-going-on' blank.. Ya know what.. No one really gets what the teachers want anymore..

Me- "Who told her she looks cute in pigtails for Chrissake??"
"She should go on a diet."
"Maaahnn!! Even her hairbands dont match!"
"Well neither do her shoes."
"I guess she just doesn't care."
"Well.. Who cares!"
"Okay I do!! I am the one who has to watch her stupid head for like, oh, only 4 hours!!"
"Maybe I should just tell her.. Hey girlfriend, sorry to be rude, but your hair looks dumb."
"She has dandruff!! Dandruff, I mean dandruff!!!! And it's not even October yet!!"
"Don't these people realise it's actually a health hazard??"
"I'm so not telling her.."
Attention shifts..
Still me- "He wore that same shirt yesterday."
"I noticed THAT the day before as well!"
"I guess guys are like that only!"
"He should seriously go easy on the hair gel.. No girl really finds it attractive.."
"And I mean real girls!! Not the ones on TV"
"Who cares??? LIKE who cares??? I mean there's an old guy up there at the blackboard sweating his ass off trying to pump some dead guy's theories into our brains!! Why?? Why can't I pay attention to him for like, even two minutes??"
I scribble something on my register.. Some insensible, unintelligible thing..  When I notice the cute guy..
Me again- "God!! Where had he been all this while??"
"Even pink looks good on him!!"
"Okay! No! It doesn't. Obsession apart, pink is gay"
"He isn't.. Certainly he isn't.. He is gorgeous!"
"Wonder if he's got a girfriend?"
"If he hasn't, then I call dibs"
*looks around*
"Oh yeah.. He's totally mine!"
"Awwwh crap.. Why does this fucking bell ring at the wrong time?"
"I'll be back Mr. Gorgeous.. Tomorrow again, same time, same classroom, Botany period.. I'll be here waiting.."

And that's how the story goes.. Everyday.. With me.. With you.. With everyone.. The never-ending saga of students wrapped in their thoughts, squirming to get out of the prison-like rooms.. Back into the polluted air of the streets, to freedom..

Thursday, 26 September 2013


Like an ancient sculptor's clay
We are moulded, day by day
Forced out of our comfort zones
Into something strange unknown
"Grow up kids! Give up sleep!"
For we are "adults" now, sixteen sweet
Burdened backs that make us bow
Coz we are "grown-up" students now
Books grow thick, like *watered weeds*
Bags heavier, like *swollen seeds*
Physics, Chemistry, Bio, Maths
Pissed off teachers make us mad
Guess they have forgotten those
Days they were kids, not long ago.
Just one soul to sympathise
With broken hearts and sleepy eyes
Just one way if we could find
To rest our weary, worn-out minds.
And right before we all give in
Someone brings in 'heroin'
Slowly, slowly hooked on it
*A rosy path to a deathly pit*
Why do you do this to yourself???
A moment's peace, but a lifetime's hell
I shake my head and sadly frown
Pity the poor, addicted town
But then I subtly, slowly smile
Coz I have my own *drug* aside
A loving heart that lives in mine
A caring soul that stands beside
Good for me and good for you
Anyone who can love you true
A drug that's healthy for everyone
Not cocaine, but as vital as the sun
You're born alone, why live that way?
Smile at someone, love today
I know I'm happy, healthy and safe
Baby you keep my pain at bay
And joy to me that you do bring
Baby, you're "my own heroin".. ;) :D

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

When nights dont end…

Eerie sounds pervade the night.. As the distant darkling sings in her cavern in some far away lands.. I sit peering into the dark as the hours while away.. Leafing through the pages.. One hour.. Two hours.. Three hours.. Impatient, aggrieved, I glance at the watch.. STILL 12:30?? 
And I keep leafing through the pages.. Still gazing into the darkness.. Hoping for a ray of light to dare to penetrate through the never-ending gloom.. Spiders crawl up the window ledge.. As goosebumps do up my skin..
And I keep leafing through the pages..
"Light gayi".. Shied away from the sinister hours of the night.. The fan lazily whirrs above my head, looming large like impending doom.. Is that a dog out there? Or the werewolf from my nightmares? Is that the watchman's whistle? Or the witch's scream? As the mind questions the fathomless possibilities..
I keep leafing through the pages..
And the clock struck 3.. "When all men repose" I wait for something.. Some miracle.. Some reprieve from this endless torture.. Winds howl forewarning me.. Heart pounding against my rib cage, I finally decide to switch off the lights, close my Physics book.. And decide to go to sleep..
After all.. I have a Physics exam tomorrow.. 😥